Rocky balboa speech lyrics
Rocky balboa speech lyrics

rocky balboa speech lyrics


Not tonight.”Įven if you haven’t seen the movie, this movie gave us the classic, inspirational speech to have ever graced film. If we played ‘em 10 times, they might win nine. “Great Moments are Born from Great Opportunity”- Miracle Whether you play football or need to get over an ex, we can strive for those tiny increments that measure our progression.Ģ. We all play the game of inches to keep getting ahead in life. Afterward, I closed that chapter of my life with satisfaction because I knew I gave it my all. Then, in the final meters of that race, one of our team members screamed the words at us as we clawed for those inches past the other boat. My team listened to it in silence the night before the last race of my high school rowing career, talk about a good pre-game speech. In the last 18 years, this speech has been adapted to just about every sport. “I know if I am going to have any life anymore it is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch because that is what living is. Need some motivational videos to keep you going?Ĭheck out these 10 motivational speeches from the sports movies you grew up watching. Or perhaps before a big game of your own-a moment when you really needed to dig into your depths and pull out the kind of grit that sets the winners apart from the losers. You could do it before that final, in the late-night hours when you’re ready to give up on studying. Playing your favorite inspirational sports movie speeches you’ve seen a thousand times can keep you going during rough times. He aspires to make something of himself when he, of all people, is given a chance to make his dream a reality.Slip in your headphones and click over to Youtube. He gives me a reason to live, giving me hope. His actions spoke to me, making me want to go the distance. His ability to go the distance set a precedence in my minds and heart. He is my inspiration for being a person that feels like they have no place in the world. Overtime I watch a Rocky movie, he inspires me to be a better man. His character is one that set an example for me. He exhibits values that I want to emulate. Stallion creates a character that inspires and enables the dreams of there. He is able to go the distance and amount to something creating a Journey all can relate to. HIS dream Is modest for It was to not become the best, but be able to amount to the best. This feat Is not accomplished overnight, through determination, hard work, and perseverance, he Is able to make his dream a reality.

rocky balboa speech lyrics

Here Is a man of no worth who Is a victim of self-inflicted misfortune with nothing to his name, but a dream a dream to make his life better. Rocky Balboa, a man of masculinity, Is hardhearted with a vulnerability that allows people to see his true self. The depth and reliability he hold true to his values make him a superior to other characters in fictional works. He Is a well- known for epitomizing the underdog story and Influencing the minds and hearts of many. He is an iconic American Hero that impacts people's lives. From creative fictional works, like Indiana Jones, to very impacting historical figures, like Theodore Roosevelt, Rocky Balboa is a notable fictional character influencing my character.

rocky balboa speech lyrics

To the handful of heroes I so highly regard, to choose one is a difficult task.

Rocky balboa speech lyrics